Pegasus Holistics -Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot & Online Holistic Store. Pegasus Holistics offer Professionally Interpreted Birth Charts, Palmistry Readings, Tarot Readings & Online Store for all Spiritual Growth & Practice of Ancient Wisdon Faiths.
Free Readings by Psychic Erika - an access for free astrology readings
Learn palmistry and more at - Links
All about the human hands. Learn palmistry, ask a question, or read articles.
Palmistry: Your future in your hands -Future lies in the palm of your hand, and this site provides various palmistry techniques that will help you in discovering the secrets that your palm holds for your life. - A very nice palmistry website from Lynn Seal. - The dynamic palmistry website of Johnny Fincham.
Palmistry World - Useful Palmistry website from Sinapore
Jennifer Hirsch - a chirology practitioner and author of 2 ebooks and a groundbreaking new palmistry book entitled 'God Given Glyphs - Decoding Fingerprints - Chirology - The How-to of Hand Reading'. She is based in Cape Town."