Palmistry Topics
Primary Lines
Secondary Lines

Special Markings and Lines

The Here and Now Dream Co. presents...

Greetings and Welcome to this informative Palmistry website.

This website is supported by the HERE AND NOW DREAM CO (HAND). The HAND is dedicated to spiritual awakening .

The Mystical science of palmistry incorporates both logic and intuition. Palmistry is a empirical science as well. Over the ages it has been noted that certain lines and shapes of the hand correlate with particular character traits and energy parameters. The meanings of lines, then, are a probability, which can range from seventy-five to hundred percent. Less than seventy-five percent is not practical to use.

The shape of the hand gives an indication of capability. How well a person can grab the world influences the development of his personality. And, the shape of the hand is affected by childhood influences. The childhood environment can shape the shape of the hand.The hands and its lines are dynamic, vibrant and change as we change, making it an excellent barometer of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

If you have an interest in learning palmistry, you will find clear and factual unbiased information to help you achieve that goal. I am available for any questions that might arrive, readings and workshops. Please contact me.

The aim of this site is to present Palmistry in a clear, concise and factual manner so that it will be easy to understand. This information can be utilized to help bring understanding and knowledge of Who You Are. Self-Knowledge, now more than ever, is of paramount importance to handle the transitions that are occurring as we enter into a new age.All the information presented here has been confirmed by twenty-five years of practice.  You will also find interpretations not found elsewhere. These came over the years and are true.

Hand Shapes